1212, 2019

Christmas Wish List!

By |December 12th, 2019|Categories: Blog Post|Comments Off on Christmas Wish List!

I felt called to do this for Christmas. It's funny because years ago when starting my blog and page I cared so much about growing a following. I wanted a large number of followers and readers because that signified true success of an online business in my mind. However, in the past two years since balancing Lively Girl with motherhood, I realized something. It's only worth being on this platform if I utilize it for good... to help other people. It's obviously a passion of mine to talk about fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle. But for the rest of this month, I just want to focus on helping families in need for Christmas.  I want to help families struggling and make a difference, even if it's in a small way. Thank you so much for being such a supportive & loving community. Thank you for following along and for getting just as excited as I am about helping out families this Christmas and making their holiday season so much brighter. YOU are amazing and making a difference in this world. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This idea came about several days ago and just took off. I asked on my Lively Girl Instagram for people to send me an email if they knew of a family struggling that could use help this Christmas. The emails came rolling in and the rest was history! I asked for those nominating families to give a paragraph or two explaining the family's situation so you all would understand why they needed help. I decided to choose two families as of now but if this goes well, I will add more. I asked each family to make a wish list off amazon. Some of these items are $5-$10, every little bit counts so just do what you can do to help! It will go a long way! Let's lift these families up and make them feel LOVED! Ready to meet our families?! The first family is the Bohners! They were nominated by Jocelyn. Here is the very first email sent to me by her explaining the situation. "Hi! I think it’s so amazing that you’re using your platform for this. The family I would like to nominate is the Bohners. They go to my church and this is their story. Martha and Bill help take care of their grandchildren  Noelle and Noah [...]

904, 2019

Managing Money Like a Mother – Carly Hill

By |April 9th, 2019|Categories: Blog Post, Budgeting, Motherhood|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Managing Money Like a Mother – Carly Hill

Managing Money like a Mother Hi, friends here on Lively Girl Fitness! My name is Carly Hill, and I am thrilled to be writing a post for my friend here, [...]

2001, 2019

How to Make $3,000-$5,000 Monthly Through Blogging and Social Media!

By |January 20th, 2019|Categories: Blog Post|Tags: , |2 Comments

I'm Spilling the Beans I've heard a fair share of different thoughts from those not in the social media world stating their opinions about those who work in this area. [...]

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