Remember when I said “DM me!” on Instagram any questions you would like for me to answer? Well here are five answered for you today!

What do you mean, “just show up” in your posts?

If you have been following my journey for awhile now, then you know I use the phrase “just show up” a lot. That is me trying to subtly say that having motivation is not what makes people successful. Motivation, alone, will not get you to where you want to be. Consistency and showing up when you don’t feel like it is where you are going to see success.

For example, I want to lead a fit postpartum journey, right? Easier said than done! It’s something I share a lot of on my social media pages. Last night, I went to swim laps at 8:30 p.m. after I got both babies to sleep. Do you think I had deep desire to go jump into a cold pool? Heckkkk no! I wanted to binge-watch Bravo and eat a Lean Cuisine pizza! However, I still went. You know why? I have programmed myself to go workout even when I am not motivated because I know once I’m done I’ll be so glad I did it. Mentally, I have trained myself to workout when I don’t feel like it because I know those are the most important workouts…the ones you don’t feel like doing. When people tell me,  “I just don’t have the motivation that you have”. (A cop-out excuse for why they aren’t able to achieve their specific goals)I usually just laugh it off, but I really want to fire back that I actually do not have much motivation… that a lot of times I’m dead tired as I head to the gym. Motivation is just a temporary feeling that we ALL experience from time to time. It is not what helps people obtain success. Consistency and showing up even when you don’t want to, THAT is what separates the successful from the mediocre. Fitness is something I have mastered – where I do not count on motivation alone because I know it is not the golden ticket to my success.

Does walking really help you with postpartum anxiety?

Walking has helped me so much with postpartum anxiety, especially the first few months! There is something very empowering about putting my babies in the stroller and taking them along with me for my workout. I think it’s because I don’t have to leave them, they nap, and I get a workout in. Multi-tasking at its finest! There is no “Mom guilt”. Not to mention I always come home a happier, less stressed momma. It’s kind of miraculous what going on a 30-minute walk can do for you mentally & emotionally. This is one of those situations where I wish I could just transfer how I feel before walking to you, and then transfer how I feel after so you could feel a significant difference that I feel.

Is walking really exercise?

It makes me sad when people genuinely think walking is not considered exercise because they are missing out. It is probably the most underrated exercise. The first few months postpartum that is the majority of what I did to lose weight. It’s a great way to rev up your metabolism and get moving without overexerting yourself. My body was sore for days after my first walk because I was using muscles I had not used in a very long time. Another really cool aspect of walking is anyone can do it no matter what fitness level you are at- and still benefit from it! Maybe you are a brand new momma reading this blog right now and you have never worked out a day in your life! It’s not too late for you to develop healthier fitness habits. Strap that precious baby of yours in a stroller and start going on 10-15 minute walks. Work your way up! I go on hour walks and it is heaven.

“How do you and your husband still maintain working out/spending time with your babies/ still make time for each other? How do you maintain any sort of work? I’m also a twin mom (two months postpartum) and do not see how it’s possible”

When I was two months postpartum I was a complete hot mess so don’t you worry girlfriend, it gets easier. I have to say it’s a constant balancing act on both our ends. During the weekdays, Matthew gets his workout done at 5 ish in the morning before going to work. I get my workout done either during the day by running/walking with babies in the stroller, followed by postpartum ab exercises (while they still sleep in the stroller). If I’m feeling anxious or stressed and need a more vigorous workout, I head to the pool after we get the babies to bed for the night. Then, I come back and get some work done and hopefully get to bed by 11:00-11:30. I would say every other night we “grind” which is the night I just described ^ While I’m at the pool, Matthew will be in his office at home working with the baby monitor on. Then, the next day we take easier. We will get babies down for the night and just spend time together; whether it’s sharing a meal, watching a tv show or just having an adult conversation in the peace and quiet! The biggest piece of advice I have is to constantly communicate with your partner. There are days where I text him and simply say “the babies are ganging up on me, I need a good workout after bedtime tonight” He knows that’s code for “I better get a workout in or I’m going to be straight up evil!” Hahaha so true. Then there are nights where I’ll say “Hey, I need attention”. My exact words! We have become a very strong team unit and I think that’s because our communication continues to get better. It’s the only way to make it all work!

Have you given up a certain part of your life to make your fitness/relationship/time with the babies work?

Super embarrassing, but my trashy tv shows hahaha. I mentioned it earlier but I LOVE BRAVO. I think it’s because the shows are so ridiculous yet entertaining. I know it’s silly but yeah I really do not watch tv… unless it’s the baby channel which I usually just have on while I make bottles real quick. This was an easy one to cut it out though because my marriage/babes/health are obviously more important. Oh, and I’m barely on my phone which is probably funny to all of you considering I make my income from it. I do not scroll on social media mindlessly at all anymore. Time is too precious and I do not want to spend it not in the present. I also went from already being a bad texter to becoming the worlds #1 worst texter! Sorry, family & friends… I love you guys!


Have random questions about my fitness & marriage or Mom life? Shoot me a DM on Instagram @livelygirlfitness or send an email to I’ll be answering your questions every Thursday on here!