Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by the blog today – let’s dive into this week’s questions, shall we?

What camera do you use for your photos? Are you starting to get into photography?

Matthew and I purchased a Nikon D3400 DSLR around Christmas time because we wanted a nicer camera (besides our phones) to take pictures of the babes! However, I also found it very useful for work purposes. I do a lot of collaborations with companies which almost always includes them sending me products. Once I receive their product, it’s important to take clean & clear (not the face wash-hehe) photos that best displays what they send my way! I am by no means starting a photography business! However, I also love taking nice photos of family and friends because I know capturing precious moments means A LOT. By no means am I a pro, but you guys know me! I’m a huge advocate for “faking it until you become it”. I’m learning that this is definitely one of my love languages. I will always make time to take sweet photos for loved ones – along with editing them – because I know these are photos they will keep for a long time. It makes my heart very very happy! Also, not going to lie, it’s really fun to be behind the camera after being in front of it for years! I joined my modeling agency when I was a sophomore in college. Since then I have mastered how to pose, angles that look the best, how to not make your hands super awkward/turtle like – ha, relax your mouth… a bunch of random yet useful things! I’ve met quite a few professional photographers who have taught me a lot! All of these experiences have been very useful to me lately because I find it easy to know how to pose whoever I’m photographing.

To edit my recent photos I have been playing around with Adobe Lightroom CC. However, I was getting overwhelmed with all the different ways I could edit. Finally, though, I discovered the wonderful world of presets! Shayla Eddins, a very talented photographer I went to Bradley with, made presets that she sells on her website. These are what I used for the photos I am about to show you! These photos were taken Tuesday. My friend Jordan is expecting her sweet boy very soon! We had to capture the moment before she goes into nesting mode – which is totally a real thing!

Before preset…


Before preset…


Before preset…


Having these presets made my editing go twice as fast… not to mention it makes the photos look much more professional!  Shayla loves vintage looks and her presets reflect that. They are slightly warm and focus on desaturating bright colors to give that polaroid feel. If you want to go creep on her Instagram (something I do on the daily) her username is @photos.shay!

How do you manage to stay home and still work? How does that even go together?

This is something that took me months to even figure out how to do.  Once I started to get sleep, it became a lot easier because the babies nap time = my work time! My main source of income is my blog/collaborations. I never work when the babies are up because I don’t want them seeing me on a screen all day. When they are awake, they deserve all my attention, in my opinion. I’m currently weaning both babies to having just two naps a day, one long one and one short. They wake up between 6:30-7:00 a.m. and my goal is to keep them awake until 11:30-12:00 p.m. They then sleep anywhere from 2-3 hours. During that long nap its dedicated solely to work! Once they wake up, all screens are gone and it’s just me lovin’ on my babes! Their next nap is 4-5 and I’ll either work or I will take them on a run/walk. During this nap time, they typically sleep maybe 45 minutes. Once they wake up, Matthew is typically home and we spend the next two hours as a family. Their bedtime is always at 7:00. If I have a deadline that I need to get done that night I will work another hour or two once they are in bed!

Moral of the story: If you are a stay at home mom that also makes an income from home, my best advice is to put your babies on a schedule! Honestly, it makes them happier and it gives you certain time gaps you can (usually) depend on to work! I follow the books, Moms On Call, I do not do absolutely everything it says but I apply quite a bit to my babies schedule. By the way, I consider myself type B personality. Pre-baby Rachel would have never thought she would put her babies on a schedule! I legitimately thought it was silly and strict. It was not until about 4 weeks in when I was so sleep deprived that I caved and followed a plan. It has not only saved my sleep but it has helped me really learn how to balance being a mom that also works from home! It’s the only way I have found to make it all work and I love it.

Thanks for stopping by the blog today! If you have any questions for next weeks, Things You Ask Thursday, send them my way! Stay lively!