Tuesday started off slow and I was perfectly okay with that! Normally, after the babies wake up, eat, and play we would make our merry way to walk/run but you know what, I just did not feel like it. This is unlike me because normally I’m itching to get those babes in the stroller and out the door! I felt like I needed a change for the day so I went with my gut and we stayed put in our cozy living room. Oliver woke up crabby as could be (teething…poor little guy!) so he went down for a nap at 8:30 a.m. which is a very weird time, considering he had been up for just an hour and a half! I could just tell he needed it. While he napped, Olivia and I had some one on one time which was honestly very sweet. We sat on the floor and read books which is something I have been trying to do more of with them! I made a rule we have to read two books to them a day and make it a habit! Whenever I have one on one time with either baby I try to get some books out and read. They might not understand what I’m saying but hey thank goodness for picture books am I right?! We lovvvve the pictures! Here are a few of their (let’s be real, MY) favorites!
1.) Let’s Be Thankful
2.) Night Night, Little One
By: Stacy Donovan
3.) Guess How Much I love You
By: Sam McBratney
We have so many books because of the twins baby shower! Instead of receiving cards (which cost a ridiculous amount for a little piece of paper) we asked guests to gift their favorite baby book (used, new, from a garage sale, whatever!) instead & write a note to the twins in the inside cover! It’s really fun to take a book off the shelf and skim the cover to see who gifted us it Love this idea and will be using it in the future when I host baby showers! After Oliver woke up, we had our typical morning routine until their long nap at 12:00. For the first hour of their nap, I came up with a nap workout that I want to share with all you momma’s! I took my workout out to our driveway (I had my baby monitor on- don’t you worry!). I forget that we had a speed jump rope that I use to LOVE to incorporate into my gym workouts! The cool thing is that you can jumprope ANYWHERE. It’s such a phenomenal way to squeeze some intense cardio in and create fun circuits to. With that being said, here is my jumprope circuit routine I did today!
Stretch (I always do for 10 minutes)
- Jumprope – both feet – one minute
- Forward plank – 45 seconds
- Right side plank- 45 seconds
- Left side plank- 45 seconds
- Jump rope- both feet – one minute
- Jumprope- right leg – 30 seconds
- Jumprope- left leg – 30 seconds
- Body Weight Squats – 1 minute
- Body Weight Pulse Squats- 1 minute
- Jump Squats- 1 minute
- Jumprope- both feet – 1 minute
- Jumprope- right leg – 30 seconds
- Jumprope- left leg – 30 seconds
- Bicep Curls – 5 pounds – 1 minute
- Overhead press – 5 pounds – 1 minute
If you are feeling brave- do this a second time for round two! I about died! If you do not have any weights at home (I just have fives…need to get more!) then swap our the bicep curls for knee pushups and overhead press with tricep dips! It’s just as good of a workout! By the way, I purchased my speed rope from Target about two years ago…pretty sure they still have them! My workout mat is also fom Target! It has a few bite marks from Stella, and is still holding so I would say it’s fairly durable!
Remember: If you think this is going to be too hard, make everything 30 seconds and build your way up! If you think this would be too easy, well shoot girlfriend push yourself for longer times or up the weight! The point is you are doing something! You are getting a workout in and that is all that matters! You got this girl.
Afterwards, I went inside to eat and work until Oliver and Olivia woke up! Once the babies were up and going we ate and played until Matthew arrived home. He was home earlier than usual from work so we took full advantage of that! We made our way to Sweet Cee Cee’s and got some vanilla ice cream to share with the babes! To say they loved the ice cream would be an understatement!
Next stop, Costco! It’s no secret that we love our Costco visits (and their prices). We get all of our diapers, formula, and wipes from here. It’s scary how fast we go through all three of these things! When we go as a family though its always kind of fun. Quality time is quality time even if that means just running an errand together. The point is that we are all together. Thank goodness for the double seated carts, life savers! I love how the strap goes just below the breast line instead of only around the waist. These carts are much more secure than most stores, which makes a parents life easier, not to mention it’s just plain safer!
Another one of my favorite Costco finds would be this cauliflower pizza! $12 for two which to me is not terrible considering I was just at Kroger where purchasing one was MORE than this! Craziness. We came home and popped one of these bad boys into the oven right away. By the way, it is completely husband approved! It really does just taste like regular yummy pizza.

I forgot to snap a photo of the one we made for dinner – I was too busy scarfing it down! Here’s what the box looks like so you can find it!
Babies were in bed by 7:30 p.m. and here I am talking to all of you! I am getting some emails sent out and thought I would pop on and share a little of my day. I’m planning on making it to the gym tomorrow so I figured I would share my workout plan with all you- in case you want to join in on the sweat sesh (;
Workout plan for Wednesday:
- Stretch (10 minutes)
- I make a big point of focusing on stretching my quads and hamstrings!
- 2 mile run!
Lifting (arms):
- Flyes (using 10 Ibs)
- Upright rows (10 Ibs)
- Chest press (10 Ibs)
- 3 sets x 15 reps
- Flutter kicks
- Russian Twists
- Leg Pull-In Knee up
- 3 sets x 45 seconds!
Let me know if you end up trying any of these workouts! I love your feedback! Happy Tuesday my lively friends!