I have not done a weekend recap in FOREVER! Life has been more than a little hectic lately and unfortunately I can not give you details on why…maybe at a later time!

Hi friends, ohhh how I have missed you! Let me just start off by saying this weekend was just what I needed. Matthew had various events the past few weekends prior so it was nice to just have him home and our family together to squeeze in some quality time. As a family of four, I don’t think of quality time being some elaborate pricey thing. I just yearn for those little moments. You know the ones where you take your kids to the park and watching them go down the slide with dad? Or maybe there is a tantrum or two because Ollie and Liv want a bite out of my apple! I mean I expect a few tantrums to take place so no shocker there! Here is how the weekend went for us…


I was so happy when Matthew got home Saturday morning! Of course, I missed him but I also missed having an extra set of hands – ha! All I knew is that I wanted to go to the park as a family because the weather was perfect out. We got Oliver and Olivia dressed warmly and last but not least their shoes on their little feet. They are not used to wearing them and I am determined to change this because they are the ring bearer and flower girl for my brother’s wedding in two months – which means they need to walk down the aisle in SHOES – say some prayers for us, folks! I don’t expect it to go without any bumps but I’m hoping I can at least get them comfortable in shoes. Crazy…not crazy?

Off to the park we went! Both babes are a huge fan of the swing set so we spend the majority of the time there. Afterward, we let them explore a little but that ended abruptly when Olivia tried to eat the biggest handful of sand – not today Liv, not today! We made our way to Kroger after for a few last minute grocery items. Even going grocery shopping as a little family makes my heart swell. It’s just nice to do the little things, together.

Technically I watched this movie Friday night but I’m just going to add it to my Saturday segment. Guys, this movie is for real a tearjerker. Motherhood has made my heart turn to complete mush. If it has to do with babies, kids or being a mom I get emotional very quickly. Anyone else? Please tell me I’m not alone!

Wonder shares the inspiring heartwarming story of August Pullman. He was born with facial differences that prevented him from going to mainstream schools. After being homeschooled by his mother until the fourth grade his mother decides that fifth grade is the best year for him to start attending school with the other children! The movie starts off rather emotional as Augie struggles to attend school despite the unkindness and awkwardness he is shown in the beginning. However, as time goes on, he wins the hearts over of his classmates, teaching them that you should genuinely never judge a book by its cover! It really is inspiring with some great lessons to all of its viewers!

The BIGGEST takeaway I got from this movie is I hope I do a good job of raising kind children. You see this sweet little guy getting bullied just for his outer appearance and I kid you not it made me cry about four times. You just imagine being the mom and that’s your kid. Ultimately, that movie left me feeling determined to raise the kindest kids I possibly can. Challenge accepted! #kindnessiscool

Okay, my short ramble is over back to our Saturday!

Then we got to work once the babies were down for the night. I have been wanting our kitchen floor torn out so we could apply the vinyl flooring. It’s the last big change we had to do for the kitchen so I just wanted to get it over with! Before I share the final outcome here is a little throwback to what our kitchen used to look like!

Pretty fun to see the differences within these photos for Matthew and me! I have to give a shoutout to him because besides some of the drywall work we had done, this guy has done everything else himself. He just YouTubed and figured it out as he went. It takes a lot of patience to get housework done…especially with two toddlers!

There is no easy way to really get it all done – unless you hire someone to do everything. Majority of our kitchen was worked on when the babies went down to bed for the night. A lot of late nights were put into making it all happen! We are not 100% completed but soo close!

I know this is somewhat of a short recap this week but you’ll be hearing from me again very soon! Happy Monday & Stay Lively!