Today is day 2 (Tuesday) of our weekly budget dinner meal prep! Say that three times fast!

Do you tend to overlook the simple recipes thinking they aren’t good enough for dinner? I do, all the time but I’m done thinking that way. Simple CAN be good. I don’t know about you but I’m just proud if I make dinner, period! I always pick two days out of the week to make very easy to put together dinners. I thought yesterdays was easy but this one takes the cake and ohhh man is it easy to do once a week on a budget!


All the ingredients for my BLT’s were purchased at Aldi!

You will need:

  • Turkey bacon
  • Lettuce
  • Wheat bread
  • A large tomato – or two!
  • Kraft Olive Oil Mayo (I take that back I found this at Kroger, but everyhting else is from Aldi)


  • Cook your turkey bacon using a frying pan, flipping periodically as to cook it all the way through.
  • Toast your bread
  • Once your bread is toasted put a layer of Olive oil mayo on one piece.
  • Place some lettuce on the piece of toast without mayo
  • Take a slice of your tomato and put on top of the lettuce
  • Last but not least, put that delicious turkey bacon on the side with mayo! I always use two pieces.
  • Keep in mind you can always add to this delicious sandwich! Avocado and cheese also go great with BLT’s. Next week I might try a recipe for grilled cheese BLT’s. Sounds so good to me right now.


I always try to sneak some vegetables into our dinners. I prepped some brussel sprouts during naptime today and we had those with our BLT’s. I’ll post my recipe for those very soon!

Anywho, enjoy! 

Like I said, it’s easy to think we have to make something more intricate for dinner but there is nothing wrong with keeping it simple. In fact, sometimes its refreshing. With BLT’s I just do not feel like you can go wrong. It’s a great meal that can be whipped up within minutes. My in-laws were in town last week and we made a bunch of BLT’s real fast for lunch one day. It was phenomal and came in clutch because we had little time to eat let alone prep anything. I’ve been keeping all these ingredients on hand lately and do not regret doing so.

Stay tuned for tomorrows dinner, it’s a little more complicated but looks so delicious! Time for me to get my little’s ready for bedtime. Happy Tuesday, friends!