2910, 2018

Cutting Costs On Groceries

By |October 29th, 2018|Categories: Blog Post, Lifestyle, Motherhood|Tags: , , |17 Comments

Hi friends! Long time no talk! It's time for a little chat because you know how I like to share random things I struggle with, especially if I figured out a solution! Here it goes... Month after month I would tell myself, okay this is the week I will stick to my grocery budget! This is the week where I will stay disciplined and not buy random items that my family doesn't neccesarily need. Month after month, I would blow it. Every household is different but in mine, I do all the grocery shopping. It's how we (Matthew and I) prefer it to be but it does take discipline, planning, and organization. As a couple, we budget every month and like to know where exactly every dollar goes. Every dollar has it's purpose in our eyes. Some would call us too strict or say that we need to have more fun. The way we see it is we are smart now so down the road we can fulfill some of those wants we have. We are not exactly advocates for debt and believe in saving and saving and saving. Call us old school or crazy but honestly, we are happy with budgeting and staying diligent with it as of now! Any Dave Ramsey fans out there? Gosh, we love that man! Anyways, back to groceries! I felt like I was failing in my part of budgeting better and sticking to it. I kept telling myself this is a need, not a want, when it came to a food or cleaning item. But it wasn't because time and time again some of our food would go to waste or that cleaning item would sit in the same place for a month never used. This month, I got fed up! Enough was enough. So I made rules and a plan. Grocery rules: 1.) My grocery goal is $150 per week at the most. $150 is my budget per week including drinks and a meals for Matthew, Myself, Oliver and Olivia. I understand everyone's budget goal will be different, thats perfectly okay! Work it out for what is best for you and your family. 2.) Kroger Pick-up Online. I favor and primarily shop at Kroger although I do make the occasional trip to Aldi. I started to use Kroger Pickup. It's phenomenal because you can go online, add groceries to your cart [...]

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