I’m sitting here watching Married At First Sight, sipping on a diet coke and munching on pretzels. That drink/food combo makes me super happy. Anyone else? It’s definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. I do not have this every day but sometimes it is so appealing after getting Oliver and Olivia down for the night. #noragrets

Let’s dive into this weeks, Things You Ask Thursday!

What Exercise Did You Do While Pregnant?

People always seem surprised when my answer is simply, walking & swimming laps. That truly is the majority of what I did! I did not even bother running because I had my ACL surgery and then got pregnant three months later. Running just would not be a good idea for me! The first trimester I walked every single day. Once I started to not feel so nauseous I got my butt in the pool and did mainly freestyle. It all depends on where you are at fitness wise before getting pregnant and if you are carrying a singleton or multiples. Another major reason I barely did any pregnant ab exercises is that I was too nervous. There are so many you can not do while pregnant and with having two babies in my belly I decided to not consistently do them. I figured swimming was a great workout that worked my whole body – especially my core!

I was about 8 months pregnant with my twinnies in this photo! The story behind the swimsuit: I called my mom crying because nothing fit me. The swimsuit tops I bought in large were too tight – my boobs were hugggggge. My bottoms were too small… so my mom took one of her old swimsuits (originally a one piece) and cut it in half. That top I am wearing in the photo is the top half of her cut up swimsuit! I wore it every day that summer. My bottoms were on the clearance rack at Kohls!

How Did You Decide Who to Have in the Delivery Room When the Twins Were Born?

Only Matthew was allowed because I delivered in the OR, not my hospital room. There was a chance we would have to do an emergency C-section which meant I was only allowed one person in the delivery room! If I could have had it my way, my mom would have also been in there for sure! It all depends on your comfort level. If my sister-in-law, Jennah, or mother-in-law wanted to be there I would have said yes in a heartbeat. It is a very intimate moment and I understand not wanting someone to see that part of you. It’s probably not the most flattering – Ha! There were at least 25 people in the room for the twins delivery ready to spring into action if anything went wrong. Honestly, my shyness went right out the window because when you are about to deliver your baby(ies) you won’t care who see’s what. All YOU will care about is having that baby safe in your arms.

Did You Focus More on Nutrition Pregnant or Exercise?

100% my focus was on nutrition. I did not want to overdo excise at all. Honestly, I was an unbelievably hormonal pregnant lady and exercise helped me stay mentally sane. That is why I consistently swam laps second and third trimester. Emotionally it was necessary for me! However, I was very conscious of never overdoing it or pushing myself too much. I cheated on my healthy eating maybe 7-8 times the whole pregnancy. Countless times I was asked, “don’t you want to have fun and give into those pregnancy cravings?” Of course, I did – the real question is who wouldn’t?! – but I’m so glad I didn’t because it made my postpartum journey that much easier.

Holy belly! This was one of the times I cheated- baddd- on my nutrition. I craved doughnuts majority of my pregnancy. I kept holding off on indulging because I was determined that on my birthday I was going to eat a doughnut cake and it would be EPIC. Having something to look forward to helped me to stay strong and not cheat every day of my pregnancy!

How Has Your Dog (Stella) Taken to the Babies? Were You Nervous Introducing Them?

I was so nervous initially bringing the babies home for the first time because I knew our doggy was going to wonder what was up! Stella sniffed them and that was pretty much it for the first few months. I never left her alone in the same room with the Oliver and Olivia. When the babies first started to lay on the floor and play I would call Stella over and have her sniff them. Matthew and I are so protective of our precious babes that it was easy at times to overdo it. However, we did not want Stella to resent them- or us – so we really made a point of calling her over, praising her as she laid next to them. She is the most affectionate dog ever and just wants to lick the babies – especially now that they are eating solid foods… every pups dream! Now that Ollie and Liv are much more interactive they think that Stella is the COOLEST thing ever. She literally just runs into the room and Oliver bursts out laughing. It is the cutest!

Lets just clarify something…Stella actually thinks these are her babies. She will walk into the room and go straight for them, showering them with licks – to the point where I have to tell her to stop!

I can’t tell you how many times we have said: “Not the face. Do not lick the face!” Stella knows what that means! The babies, on the other hand, think it’s hilarious and give her the biggest smiles.

I am 3 Months Postpartum and Feeling Disgusted With Myself. I Still Look 4 Months Pregnant. I am Eating Clean and Exercising Regularly. Any Advice?

It took your body 9 months to make your healthy gorgeous baby, right?! Then it’s only fair you give your body 9 months (minimum) to recover. Personally, I’m giving it a year! I told myself that from the beginning – still do to this day – and it has helped me to stay patient. We all want instant gratification but postpartum recovery just takes TIME. Keep working hard, stay consistent, and your body will catch on!

Don’t mind the mess! I’m getting ready to host a bridal shower at my house this weekend! Anywho, I bought these Calia pants when I was 4 months postpartum. I just wanted some new workout pants that I could feel confident in. Well, I bought them in the size I would typically wear, as pre-baby Rachel. Let’s just say I got home and I put them on feeling VERY discouraged. I am now 7 months postpartum and they fit amazing. I did not change anything about my nutrition or fitness in this time frame. I just kept grinding, stayed consistent, and practiced some patience. My body just needed more time!

I hope you all have an amazing day! I personally love Thursdays, always have. Today’s blog was centered around a lot of your pregnancy questions so I wanted to see if any of my readers had advice to give. Are their any mommas who would like to share some postbaby body advice? What has helped you stay body positive?